FireFox Kills IE6.0

Just thought id put a post to say that i have just downloaded Mozilla Firefox and it poops all over Internet Explorer 6.0.

Iv also noticed it downloads sites alot quicker, and also the tabbing makes a big difference instead of having lots of windows open.

Im giving it a 9/10 -

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Welcome to the light side.

You make it sound so rude and homicidal. :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah it does :smiley:

plus, open-source and plugins are great… and please don’t let this turn into a debate like the last similar thread :stuck_out_tongue:

well much earilier i tried firefox and i thought it sucked… but i tried it again right now… and i love it… it looks nicer then ie, and it loads pages faster… never thought id say that :wink:

i love mozilla


I just found this, and it’s a pretty impressive demo of what you can do with XUL:

Requires a Gecko based browser (Netscape 5+/any mozilla browser)

That’s pretty neat, but wouldn’t it be easier on the website?

Just thought id put a post to say that i have just downloaded Mozilla Firefox and it poops all over Internet Explorer 6.0.

Iv also noticed it downloads sites alot quicker, and also the tabbing makes a big difference instead of having lots of windows open.

Im giving it a 9/10 -

thanks for the contribution :slight_smile: … :sigh:

Well I have been using IE for 10 years and have never been interested in anything else.

Though I did use netscape and disliked it…

But I am all for change and so I am downloading it now…

Hmmm 4.85 MB… < Whats that, the pre installer :slight_smile:

Well I am back and once again a Microsoft lover is disapointed in Microsoft…

What can I say, 4.85mb, IE is a over bloated piece of junk…

Ctrl-T love it, I always have 6+ pages open at once, and I hate when a new window opens over the one I am looking at…

Faster yes !

It’s a shame that Microsoft does stuff like this… As much as I love them, for all the money in the world they have they seem to have to many let downs.

While I feel that Linux is still 2-3 full versions away from winning me over, with open source programs being this good… Its only a matter of time before MS kisses my butt goodbye for good…

Considering the Development time for MS to bring out new OS/Browser versions it’s only a matter of time before open source leaves them for dead.

NOTE: [color=Red]Anyone reading this thread, do yourself a favour and download the piddley 4.85 MB… You wont be sorry…[/color]

All I need now is something open source better than DAP.

for all you that havent downloaded the adblock extension it is a must! it allows you to block anything from certain websites (flash, picutes… (so ads)… and it allows you to block graphics and i frames and everything… So now on all the important webpages i view i have 0 ads!!!.. wow am i happy :wink:

hmm… I tried that one and it drove me insane because it started blocking everything, and it was a pain to configure

I guess now I’ll move from mozilla to firefox on this linux notebook, it’ll be my second thing to install (after Flash Player :P)

I didn’t have too good an experience with Adblock either. For me it was the opposite, it would only offer to block maybe 20% of the ads I would see, and just as often it would try to block legitimate parts of a site. For instance at it would offer to block the whole top navigation.

Since it works for you porpous maybe I’ll give it another try… I really want to like it…

firefox is not bad. it has it’s problems also. much better security for now at least.

on the topic of browsers, I think I have a problem with them fixing everything in ie7 :stuck_out_tongue:

if they do fix lots of the css and png problems, then we’ll have to find hacks to get those things to work in ie6 or we still won’t be able to use those…

More and More ignorant People are seeing the light… Thanks for sharing…

FF has too many bugs to kill anything, but it has far more potential than most others

what bugs are you referring too?