Should I Switch IE to Mozilla and WHY?

Alright. Seems lots of people have been saying that mozilla is so good - I have IE and it’s pretty good :krazy: .

Lots of people have been saying IE gives you viruses and stuff and I don’t find it bad though.

I NEVER get pop-ups from ANY site (unless I click on a link) because I have Norton Anti-Virus Web Assistant that blocks ads and popups automatically.

I ran a system scan last week - nothing detected except adware from kazaa…

So why should I change to mozilla?

Please dont send me a link to read - just list some of the good stuff.

Is there a way to remove adware without removing my kazaa?

no ya see the problem is if for somegod forsaken reason you don’t have anit viris ie is less secure tha nmozilla because it lets more virises thruoghh your virtual port 80 i believe when you are serfing the web and downloading things

Personally I find Mozilla hella faster than IE, and less likely to crash. I have no choice at work and IE crashes every other page - literally. I have to retype about half my posts every day. :hair:

Plus, it’s nice to not have to use at least one MS product. :wink:

I didn´t like mozilla to be honest, but really like firefox; u shpuld download mozilla and firefox and c for urself

Oops, that’s what I meant. Yeah I tried Mozilla for awhile and then got rid of it and now use Firefox. :slight_smile:

So whats so good about firefox?

Other than being faster and not crashing as much.

(Can someone gimme a link to download it or is it not free?)

this has nothing to do with IE firefox thing but how’d u make ur footer?
do u have a tutorail link on how to make those straches?

few things I like about Firefox:

  • the tabs feature, I really hate it when I get loads of IE windows opened up and their all put into a group, then i have to go through the windows in the group to find the right one. with the tabs, it makes things a lot easier and I read somewhere it makes things easier on the CPU usage.
  • the Google search bar on the top right corner, it really makes things a lot easier instead of having to go to
  • I have noticed it loads faster, as it mentions of the Mozilla website, it loads the text first then the images, unlike IE, where on some occasions I have to wait till everything is loaded b4 anything comes up on the screen
  • when downloading, it has a neat feature where I can pause the download, instead of having to use Download Accelarator for IE

i agree on all counts. and you can find those to add to ie, but, ff come with em, and is still quick and clean. I reallllly love the tabs. Seriously, when I use IE and have to hit ctrl+n instead of ctrl+t, i cringe… the tabs load seperately and not in front like new windows. I am constantly right clicking and hitting new tab for links.

One of the main reasons I like Firefox so much is because it’s just what it needs to be - a browser. Netscape has all those links to AIM now, and Internet Explorer’s starting up the same type of thing with MSN.

Plus, Internet Explorer’s not working on standards compliance at all, while somehow it has time to add extra features to “enhance your web browsing experience”. I don’t know about you, but as long as web pages render properly, my web browsing experience is as enhanced as it needs to be.

Some people claim that they’ve never had a problem with Internet Explorer’s rendering abilities. That’s all well and good, different people have different standards when it comes to how they want their pages displayed, and small faults are unnoticeable to them. But when I have the choice of a browser that is completely devoted to web standards and is improving their compliance with every release, and a browser that is not standards compliant but focusses more on useless things that I will end up disabling in the long run, I choose the standard-compliant one.

Also, Firefox’s barebonedness allows me to finetune it however I want. There are so many extensions and themes out there, it’s possible for my Firefox to be completely different from your Firefox. The people at Mozilla understand that the only way to truly enhance a person’s web browsing experience is to let them enhance it themselves. One person’s trash is another one’s treasure, as they say.

For Linux and my Windows OS’s, I use Mozilla.
Mozilla is just so much better! No dumb pop-ups and what not. Plus the mozilla interface is great! Except for one thing… I can’t “copy” images from the net. I always have to save them!
Is there a way to do so I can copy it from Mozilla?

Is there a way to remove adware without removing my kazaa?

You use kazaa lite not kazaa.

Firefox all the way. Internet Explorer’s problems with displaying internet content are legion. Right now, I’m working on a completely valid XHTML document with a flash movie embedded in it. The only browser that won’t play it properly (and I’ve tried Netscape, Opera, Mozilla, Firefox and IE) is Internet Explorer. It’s annoying the hell out of me because 90% of the public can’t view it, even though I’m doing nothing wrong.

You payed for Norton Antivirus, no? Mozilla can do all that built in.

Click the link in my footer.

I personally find there is nothing wrong with IE. I take care of it and it takes care of me. I haven’t tried anything else yet because I feel no need to.

I do have Kazaa Lite!

Norton AV came with my computer when I ordered it.

Do I get to Save images?

I’m completely convinced! I’m downloading that thing right now :D!

See, this is what I thought. I mean I had the same thought. Change is always hard; it’s uncomfertable. And I mean, I thought, ‘IE has been so faithful! It always does what I want… screw standards, everything looks fine to me…’… but then I got FF and realized that it DIDN’T do what I wanted… I don’t think I’ll ever go back to IE. I say give it a shot. Everyone should. If you don’t like it after a week, okay, youcan keep your IE, but at least you know what you want :slight_smile:

i like both but i like the fact thta firefox can download anything i want it to like websites undownloadable games on

Wait - grinch said mozilla cant take pics from the internet (right-click save)…can I do that with FF?