First 3D Particle Explosion

This is a render of my first particle explosion with 3DS. Hope you all like it :D.

3D Studio Max 8
Render Time : 29 minutes, 04 seconds
Sorry for the bad quality of the render, my server is being a little twitchy.

Thank you.


Well. I think Photoshop is really much better for these things, because on first look I wouldnt have thought it was an explosion. Mabye thats just me tho :stuck_out_tongue:

can ustop posting stuff about 3d, it makes me wanna go back to blender!
anyways, looks cool!

almost 30 minutes for a 70 kb image?:stuck_out_tongue:
doesn’t look a lot like an explosion man:(
but it still looks great:)

Lol, my server’s down, so I can’t post up a better render. Anyways…

@ thesparky007: 3D will never be silenced!


Looks cool, would like to see it animated.

looks like rendered clouds with overlay (in PS) :thumb:

yeah, i guess it looks kinda cool… but dosent look like a explosion :slight_smile:

looks really 2d

Would be cool to put a render of something else in the middle fo the explosion so we can get the 3d effect

Yeah - well the contrast is kinda whacked because you can’t determine depth. That would be the reason why it looks flat

loooks to me more like smoke than an explosion. it can be done in photoshop as said before. but cool nonetheless…

Looks like a yellow Cloud

I’ll fix this up. But do remember, this is made with pure particles in 3ds, so it’s not as easy as it looks.


isn’t it just a bunch of parameters that you can change on the righthand side?

That’s 3d max? As much as I’d love to appreciate how hard that was to do, unfortunately art is only as good as it looks…
Rather create something that is more simple to do but is a more effective result.