First Car

I found out what I’m gettin for my first car today.
I’m gonna get a Mitsubishi Eclipse.
It’s the basic automatic model. I don’t care though. It’s a really cool car.
It’s gonna be about 18, but I think it will go down to 17 with my mom’s company discount. I’m gonna be saving up for a while for the down payment however. I think I’m gonna save up about 1500, which my parents are going to match. I’m payin for half of it.

I can’t wait. It’ll probably be a while before I get it, I’m guessin 6 months, but I don’t care… woohoo!!! :beam:

Thats good,i’m getting My Truck maybe awwww next week or so if not maybe my senior year :confused: which sucks…

My eclipse is gonna beat up your truck. :stuck_out_tongue:
That’s cool you’re gettin a truck though.

*Originally posted by xxviii *
**My eclipse is gonna beat up your truck. :stuck_out_tongue:
That’s cool you’re gettin a truck though. **

Hmmmm no i doubt it i’m getting the new FORD 4x4 :beam: maybe your going to speed pass me but not beat me up.

oh my god, puhleeeze, stop with the “i bet i can beat you” crap. maybe all of you should crash your cars and this conversation would stop.

Belgium: yay, a car… yay, traffic jams.
It’s cool to have a car though… those American pick ups are awesome. My favourites are the Dodge Ram and the Ford 1500 (if I’m correct with the names).
Anyway, I don’t have a car yet. Still going by train, which is boring but faster then by car if you have to go all the way to Brussels in the morning.

i hate big cars. i absolutely hate them.

I have to admit a Smart Cabrio or something can be cool too… I drove one the other day, great fun. :slight_smile:
In the small cars section, I’d pick the Alpha 147 though. Cool thingy.

congrats on your future new car!!!

and guys, my JEEP could beat up all of your vehicles. :P:P:P

*grunts like tim the tool man

i think these trucks are not really necessary. the need a lot of fuel and you actually do not need fourwheeldrive in the city - OK, i know you cowboys COULD come sometimes into some adventurous situation, but your 9 metre-long dodge-ram wont help you then :stuck_out_tongue: )

i would prefer a alfa 147 too, but the gta version (wr000m, wr000m)

over all, i would prefer european cars to american…

favorite cars:

alfa 147 gta

bmw 318

audi a8

i drive an audi a4 atm…

my jeeps pretty good on gas. and trust me, in new england in the winter, you’d better have 4 wheel drive, even if this is in the city :slight_smile:
plus there is nothing i like better in the world then offroading and exploring parts of the world that others only wish they could get to in their puny little jellybean cars. :wink:
no offense to anyone who likes jellybean cars
plus its fun to go topless in the warm weather

hey bullet - what part of jersey you from? i lived there my whole life… just moved up here last fall

I had an Eclipse for a few years, quick little cars. I think you will enjoy it. Good luck! =0)


I’m saving for a Porsche. :slight_smile:

Got a long way to go yet though. :stuck_out_tongue:

my first car was a 1951 GMC stepside pickup…

the thing was mint… my Dad stole it from me within 2 months, and I ended up with a 4 door sedan… what a chick mobile…

I quickly sold that for a 1974 MG midget…


*Originally posted by pinx *
**oh my god, puhleeeze, stop with the “i bet i can beat you” crap. maybe all of you should crash your cars and this conversation would stop. **

My car can beat up your car.
My dad could also beat up your dad.

Everyone else: go me!

*Originally posted by xxviii *
**My car can beat up your car.
My dad could also beat up your dad.

Everyone else: go me! **

yeah, well, my car can beat up your, and my dad yours too. :stuck_out_tongue: hehe. this is fun :beam:

yeah, well my dads car could be your dad AND his car up with its han… er… wheels tied behind its…uhh… trunk!

well, my dad’s motorcycle could beat up your dad, and your dads car, and leave his car to beat up yours. :stuck_out_tongue:

well I like tacos, therefor the earth is green thus creating a huge wad of Kleenex which will DOMINATE your father. (and his car)

hrm, too bad my JEEP ran over all the tacos and squeeshed them, thus rendering the earth brown and beany, thus eliminating the need for kleenex in search of a higher, more durable wipe (toilet paper), which will wrap up your dad, his car, and your car, and the remaining tacos, and present them in a nice little cocoon to my dad and his motorcycle and his car to eat for brunch on sunday.