Hi guys,
I originally posted this on the forum just before the server move/change. Talk about timing!
Anyway, Here’s a copy’n’paste of the post. Thanks in advance for checking it out, and any advice/criticism! (Cheers to Kajinku for replying to the original post )
Oh, and i should mention that I didnt do the 3d anims. An artist here did them in Max. I just imported them, lined them up and AS’d them to rewind etc.
And another artist did the static background! But everything else is mine, ALL MINE! ahem
Don’t want to take credit for something I didnt do!
here’s the original post:
Hi guys,
It’s kind of wierd actually posting here, when I’ve spent the last months worshipping the Kirupa sites!
Picture the scene:
Me sitting in work. Over strolls A Boss:
Manager: Hey Dave…know any ‘web stuff’?
Me: Not a bit mate…er, why?
Manager: Oh no reason…Except you need to do us a new site within the next 2/3 weeks.
Me: …! (sound of someone grasping at their chest in pained horror)
After the doctors revived me and I finally stopped screaming, I started searching for help.
That long search eventually led me here. And its thanks to the advice/tutorials/hints here that I actually got the site ‘done’.
So firstly, thanks a million
Now, though, I need advice/criticism/hints/tips. Anything you can spare actually!
The problem was that I was given no actual AIM for the site, so I’ve had to add things in fits and spurts as the ideas hit.
If you can suggest anything at all, that’d be great.
Steel Monkeys Website
And a preloader is in the works! If i can ever work out the best way/place to use it!
Advice on that would be fantastic too!
Cheers again,