First flash site

This is my first flash site. Just wanted to get some feedback thanks
clich here

very good for the first flash site. i have a couple suggestions though.

it loads too long. try and work on the file size.
the scrolling pictures is a great idea but i’d like to see them scroll faster and then stop when they get to the middle of the screen, perhaps?

Cool site!
I agree about the speed the images move at. I think you have room to drop the image quality down. That may help speed things up.

When you click CONTACT it puts this in the body of the e-mail:
Name= eMail= Message=

You have some really nice pix on the site. It would be good if the looped instead of stopping at the end. There is a good tut here on infinite menus.

On a personal note the only other things I would change are, colors and put some text content on your site.

Good work! :thumb:

Thanks for taking the time and checking out the site. Kel thanks for the infinte menu tut.

Any time :slight_smile:

it was going great until it hit 60%

Darned 56k connection.

i’ll check it out at school tomoz

i always get stuck at 60% loading and then it freezes.

Update: And i have a cable connection.

I ran out of gas at 57%…

thats not good. I guess i’ll have to work on the file size.

wow, it’s actually a pretty cool site once it loads. I love that scrap paper rollover, thats really cool! :slight_smile:

yeah mine stopped at 60% too.

Ok I dropped the k size on the jpegs. speed up the scroll and fixed the email. Hopefully the load time will not be an issue now. because i would hate to lose
anymore of the image. thanks

Lookin’ good :slight_smile:

wow really cool! the crumpled paper bit is great.
youve got a typo in there: photogarphy > photography. surprised i was the first to notice.

cool… i like the bg… where did you get the photo?? how did you do the paper thing? how it comes out when you go over it.

I would adjust the hit state of the paper ball. I was trying to click portrait and the **** thing keep poping up in front of me.

File size is way to big. One way to do this is reduce picture quality but you dont’ want to do that becuase you are trying to showcase the pictures in there best form i’m guessing. Just do some external loading of each content section.

Scrolling pics gallries here cool. The speed was good but hte infinte loop would be a big plus.

I like the layout and the color. It keeps the focus more on the photos and less on the site itself.

THe photos them selves where great. I really love the polaroid section. The 70ish look to them was great.

For a first site this is really good. Nice work

Hey thanks alot…again. I couldn’t ask better constructive criticism.