My first flash site

i got bored and made my first flash site.

its just for fun and serves no purpose but to help me learn flash.

any comments would be great.

The loading takes forever. Try adding a preloader to show the loading progress. Also, try to add a border to your site so separate it from the white rectangle.

Hmm…it didn’t load for me at all…

me either. i waited 4 min

Layout is good, button action is good and technique used in image section is good . Takes a lotta time to load.


either cut the file size drastically, or build a preloader and something to entertain the user while they wait for the movie to load.

no site should take this long to load on a broadband connection, as most people will simply get bored and leave before it finishes loading. (like i did)

It’s now been three times that i tried to access your website, but so far, i weren’t able to see anything, and on the fourth try, it said that the page can not be displayed…

Well, it loaded for me, told me that Ray likes it (I have no idea who Ray is)…

But, the images in the only section that worked, when rolled over, would overlap the other images on the increase in size… Why make them bigger if they are hidden by other images?


hmm, dunno why it takes so long to load. dunno why the preloader is so crap either. i think i’ll scrap it for now seeing as there isnt much on there and i did it a couple fo months ago before i was actionscript litterate

i got a “page cannot be found”

for some reason it froze and didnt load. Is there any type of preloader included on that site?

other then that, i love the white background :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

I can’t see it either…
