This is my first pixel font :!:
Tell me what you think of it
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This is my first pixel font :!:
Tell me what you think of it
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No PM’s for me, not a feature I want anyone to (ab)use on me
You could mail me tho’… whenever…
Well, it’s a site, kind of :-/
And it has Goldy Round available for download
Guys! Thank you so much for using my tutorial! Nice to see that it’s helping people. I battled for months to find help on making them and eventually found one for a mac, so I nicked it and made it PC based.
Plenty of little things to play with on my site : also a nice chat system I made using Flash and ASP
Thanks again guys…really means allot!
Your tutorial is really great, but are there other ways to stop filling besides opening the spaces up?
In this
before I downloaded and installed the font.
I can still see the font and type with it.
How did you do it, I dont have the font on my pc, how did it show up, I can also edit and write a text using the font that I dont have it installed on my pc. this is done by flash but I cannot remmeber how. would you please… help -
Thank you very much for your font.
to embed a font draw a text field, then click the character button, and then select all characters
To help reduce the file-size, if your only using numbers with that particular font, then you’ll want to choose to only embed the Numerals [1,2,3…], and if you’re only using characters, embed just embed characters: [A,B,C…] And so on, and so forth.
For a just a small phrase or word your bet bet would be to break the text apart (ctrl+b)
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