(first frame prelaoder problem)...bandwidth profiler

I am trying to implement a first frame preloader because it seems like my content takes some time to load (visitors are faced by a blank white screen for a little bit)…I want to display something while they wait…I was instructed to make 3 frames…1st frame for my preloader…2nd frame for my external class to be exported to and for all my library items that are imported through actionsript…I was told to place anything that is exported for actionscript on this frame…then to uncheck “export in first frame” for all of these same library objects…I also changed the publish setting to to export the classes to frame 2…then all my content is on frame 3…

the preloader stays in frame one until the load is complete…then it jumps to frame 3…

this all is fine, but my frame 1 is still huge in the bandwidth profiler…its still about 300kb…and therefore the preloader shows up at like 85%…any idea what I may be doing wrong?

Why is frame 1 so huge? The idea is to move everything away from frame 1 so that it only contains the preloader. As you’ve discovered this involves moving everything onto a later frame, either by manually placing instances of your symbols offstage, or by changing some of Flash’s default AS settings. If you’ve done that, and it’s your preloader that’s 300kb in size, then you probably need to make a smaller preloader. If it’s not your preloader, then you must have something else that’s being loaded into frame 1.

Fortunately, there’s a fairly simple way of finding out what it is. Go to your Publish Settings, select the Flash tab, then choose Generate size report under the options, and publish your SWF. This text report (which is saved into the same location as your SWF) should tell you exactly what’s being loaded and into which frame.

yea you shoulod just have some simple code and a very small image siz like around 3k for your preloader a simple bar using a mask and some simple onClipEvent action script and a stop on the main timeline

my preloader consists of 3 textfields…bytes loaded, percent, and total bytes…

there are no images on the first frame?

if you need a preloader to play with that works i can post one for you to download

do you have music or sound files? in my experience if music or sound files are in the project library and are used at somepoint by the player they are loaded before anything else…and that can take a while…at least i think(tbh its been along time since ive done the sound for any of my projects.)

my preloader werks just fine…and i noticed my problem…there were two text fields which were embedding the whole font…once i changed that my first frame dropped to 35k…and the whole swf dropped about 150k…thank you for your suggestions though…

glad you found the problem

The Generate size report would’ve told you which font was embedded, the size of the font, which characters were included, and which frame it was embedded into…it’s always worth producing a report, particularly with preloader problems, as it nails the culprit within seconds.

i learned a lot today =)