My flash player bug? 128kbs of nothing

So Ive spent the entire day trying to get a preloader work, a rather easy task I thought, but boy was I wrong. I just found that flash claims that my 1st frame is 128kb’s in size! and their is nothing in there except the preloader!!! :angry: I took the preloader out and entirely cleared all contents of the 1st frame for every layer, but low and behold flash still claimes there is 128kbs of stuff there. So, I then cut and pasted frames into new movie and it still claims the 1st frame is 128kb in size. No wonder my preloader is stalling, it cant even load until this 128kb of miscellaneous bs is loaded.
ANy clues ? Anybody??

run a search in the forums for export in first frame :wink: =)

Ty Kax,
yeap read the posts in that search result, by chance my library had old stuff which was linked and exported to 1st frame so I deleted them all. Horray the first frame has come from 128kb to 77kb, but this still causes a white screen as I still have to wait for 77kb to load…Surely with nothing physically or ‘exported to’ in the first frame should it be 77kb ??

Umm Kax, could the last 77kb be due to the scroll bar component which I use four times later in the movie??

yeah, i was about to tell you that. components usually are full of garbage :-\

i’d recommend you to learn how to make your own scrollbars. i don’t remember if we have a tutorial here at kirupa… but i know that you’ll find tons of open source at flashkit :wink:

good luck =) :stuck_out_tongue:

and just in case you didn’t read this…

if you need to export for actionscript a movie clip, sound, etc. which is not a component… you can drag and drop them from the library in any frame before you attach them.

Thanks again Kax,

I deleted the text scroll bar components to see if it made a difference and it didnt surpisingly, so Ive left them. Another interesting thing is that Embedded font also has the same affect. From changing the percentage texbox in the preloader to NOT use embedding I took off 20kb!!! strange eh?

…Yeah and Ive always used the attachMovie over duplicateMovieClip because I have noticed a file size difference before…Well Ive got 77kb to deal with now :-\

Originally posted by mindfriction
from changing the percentage texbox in the preloader to NOT use embedding I took off 20kb!!! strange eh?

well… you should embed only the needed characters. not the whole font :wink:

if i remember anything else that could cause the delay… i’ll post it =)

Hmm I know this may sound silly but if linkage ‘export to first frame’ essentially puts the object/ compnents in a 0th frame couldnt I just link the preloader and attach in 1st frame (making sure the _level @param in the function is level 0???,


//in first frame put something like...
_root.loaderHolder.attachMovie("preloader", "myPreloader", 1, {_x:120, _y:120});

yup. =)

Hmm, its messy and I still get the 77kb. I mean perhaps putting the main movie in a different scene or within a movielclip would be a better solution??