Preloader - First frame bloat

Hey all,

I am working on a team developing a massive online art project. The projects development thus far has been, sortof, well… random.

I am currently trying to implement a preLoader as per:’s advanced preloader tutorial.

There i learned about exporting classes to the second frame, and not sending components to the first frame to avoid first frame bloat. Very good to know.

Trouble is, the movie i am working with does not have any components, and the publish settings have been set to send class data to the second frame, and the bandwidth profiler is still telling me that the first frame is 2 MB!!! Holy crap.

The whole movie i am dealing with is 2mb? Why the heck is it all loading in the first empty frame? (the BULK of the content lives on the third frame.

Any pointers would be great here.
