First Game Improvement suggestions

Ok after several problems and many questions poste here i(think) im finally done this game. ive included a html file because my fla and swf are to large to be posted here but thats something i couldnt fix please take a look at this and tell me what you think about it and what possible suggestions you may have if needed i will post the code.:party:
edit:I posted the wrong file and the proper game is in the file a few down

The HTML file is pointing to your local computer. Upload the .fla or .swf on the web somewhere so that all of us who are interested can view it.

Preferably not at a random place on the web, rather just here on Kirupa forum (like you did with the wrong file) :wink:

sorry bout that i didnt realize that it wouldnt work sorry and i cant upload the swf or fla here because the files even with optimization will not fall under the upload standards i was able to get my swf down to 164 KB even when its compressed any ideas for me here?:crying:

Blah that sucks. There are lots of free upload sites around. imageshack is one that directly uploads .swf files (though slow, but that, are most).

ok ive manadged to reduce the size from the publish settings im sorry bout the end when you win or lose i dont know how to remove the gun ive tried but it just doesnt work. but anyways went from 168 kb down to 146.7 point two of a kb over but got it down tell me what you think and im sorry im more programming than animation. comment away.:party:

[quote=fatboyslim007;2332842]I think a first game is really about learning. Now you could take what you learned from that first game and spend a lot more time on graphics and polish. My first game sucked major *** but I learned a lot from it and now (a few more games down the road) I’m making games that are comparable in quality to most decent flash games you might find on the web.

Good work, and keep making games. It gets easier and A LOT more fun as you go along. Pretty soon you’ll be surprising even yourself at how cool some things are that you’ve made.[/quote]

I wouldn’t even go for graphics in the second game :stuck_out_tongue: But I’m not much of a graphics person :stuck_out_tongue: I believe you only change the gun rotation onMouseMove, if you jump you, the gun moves upwards and you miss the target unless your not moving with the mouse. Other than that it was pretty cool for a first game, still some gameplay and physics issues, but you’ll figure that out.

okay so i have to put the gun control in an onenterframe alright does anyone have any suggestions on how to remove the gun its called gun_mc and there is also a copy in gg_mc but i have tried unloading and setting the alpha to 0 and its into a blank keyframe sorry bout the fact that there is no restart button but the interval for shooting gets all messed up when i rerun it. yet again i am no art expert or even novice my art is terrible i realize that and the animation is a bit choppy its all frame by frame because i couldnt get the tweens to work without messing everything up if you guys want to see my code just let me know i have it all on frames and like 4 objects for ease of code but still is easy to keep organized. so let me know if you need anymore info and tell me everything you think about this dont hold back.:rambo:

How did you attach the gun movieclip? There are different methods for different kind of attachments.

I’m not quite sure about this exactly, it was a long time ago that I used movieclips :stuck_out_tongue:

What always works is setting the _visible property to false :wink:

hey thanks for the reply so soon adn to answer your question its attached simply using

_root.gun_mx._x = _root.gg_mc._x;
_root.gun_mc._y = _root.ggmc._y;

hope that helps ill search for a place to post my fla a little later

anybody got any suggestions for me?


I was able to break the collision detection/physics in about 5 seconds. (got my head stuck in a wall). Platformers are for more advanced programmers. Try something simpler, like something in an overhead plane, like snake or something. That way you don’t have to worry about pixel perfect collision detection.

This probably means you need to use a clearInterval on the old interval before you start a new one. If you create a new one without clearing the old one, you’ll have two running at the same time.

fidodo thanks for the reply i do have a pretty good grasp on as but still have alot to learn how would i do that hitTest i wrote my jumping actionscript on my own with a very simple means so that you can jump up through the block but the only thing i dont know how to do is stopping the head from getting stuck in the walls. I dont know any as gurus so this is what i have to use tutorials and this forum. and rrh thank you i will certainly give that a try do i just put that in the first frame or what can you put up an example so i can learn the proper syntax for it(the adobe help files never did much good).:party: