I’m working on a Flash site at work using Flash 8 on a Windows machine. I tried emailing the .fla file to myself so I could work on it at home with Flash MX 2004 on a Mac…but it wouldn’t open at all! Has anyone else had problems with this?
make sure when you save from a mac you add the file extension. Its not required on a mac, but your PC wont know what file you have. Thats one possibility.
thanks! but does this work both ways because i’m going from Windows to Mac???
you cannot open a flash 8 fla. with flash mx 2004.
OHH…man that sucks…i can see not being able to open a MX 2004 file in 8, but not the other way around. oh well, i guess i’ll just have to leave my work at work!
You can save (in Flash 8) Flash 8 .fla files as Flash MX 2004 .fla files in the ‘Save As’ dialogue. This will only keep the features of the movie that would work in Flash MX 2004.
i can see not being able to open a MX 2004 file in 8, but not the other way around.
I don’t think I follow your logic there. MX 2004 is an older version of Flash, so why wouldn’t the newer version (Flash 8) be backwards compatible? As for the other way around, why would an old version of Flash be able to open a format that didn’t exist when the program was coded?
ok, i feel really stupid! for some reason i thought flash 8 was older than flash mx 2004!!! i guess because i thought most programs tend to go numerical and then switch to using letters. ha. anyway. i suppose that’s my problem then! thanks for clearing that up!