Flame Help

Hey guys (especially those with great AS capabilities - you know who you are!) I need some help with making a realistic flame in Flash MX. I have done a search on the site here and came up with a link to this site http://www.flashcircle.com/display.php?storyid=57

I followed the tutorial as close as I could and still my flame came out looking kind of…well not right. I was wondering if someone had the time to look over my fla (which I have attached) and can help me fix it so it looks like the on from the tutorial page I linked above.

Thanks very much in advance!

There’s a problem with your fill. It’s a radial fill all right, but the outer color’s alpha has to be set to 0.

And the coding is old, you should change it (-:

Thank you so very much! That is much better :slight_smile: You are very fast!

So what do you mean by changing the code? I know it’s from flash 5, how could it be made better with MX?

Remember - I am an AS IDIOT! so please, be gentle :slight_smile:

sorry if dis iz pissing u off but can i ask how did u make the 3D rotating Cube in your little pictures you have there?

:wink: I Need HELP! lol

Yup - I used Swift 3d to do it… it’s pretty simple really! and it makes some pretty cool effects. The program has a TON of possibility but I am afraid I am too stupid to figure it out :slight_smile:

someone? Please? little help here?


How could I update the code to work better?