Hello all,
I have been around reading some of the posts on this issue but nothing seems to fix the quality, I think I have found all the compression setting that there are in flash, I set everything to 100… but still get pixelated and destorted images when I preview in a browser. I have even tried varying the sizes of the jpg I am importing but still can’t get the quality up…
obviously there is something I am missing, just don’t know what it is…
any ideas
what type of files do you import into flash?
jpeg and png files from PS
oh really png’s ! they should turn out good then, do you switch off smoothing in the properties of the image, and change the compression to 80%
mostly I leave smoothing on…
turn it off, and are you resizing your images in flash?
for png I don’t think there is a compression setting under png, but there is one under jpg…is this right?
yes I am resizing the images in flash… is this a nono
yeah, well i found that images that turned out the sharpest is when you import them the size your going to use them. Resizing does make lose quality.
I noticed sometime when importing multiple images of the same size… that usually the second image is smaller…alot smaller for some reason…
but i will try to maintain size intergrity from now on
Here is a image (took with my camera ) Imported it using png compression and compressed it in flash using jpeg compression 80% and turned smoothing off.
:::: full 640 X 480 image only at 45.5 Kb :!:
*Originally posted by gpdesigner *
**for png I don’t think there is a compression setting under png, but there is one under jpg…is this right? **
Not in photoshop. Save for web in photoshop as png and import that into flash, then in flash in the library turn off the use default document compression, and set the compression. turn off smoothing as well.
::: you can press test as well to see how much different the file sizes are.
I would kill to get that kind of clarity…
My friendly Canon powershot G3 helped :!:
This is just sucking for me maybe it is something I am not doing in PS
I read somewhere in the forums that when you save out of PS don’t use progressive… so it’s set on baseline… this is jpg format by the way…
Dam it’s… enough to make you go postal…
WHy you saving as jpeg??? try png!
maybe this is an issue, The images that I am useing are not camera generated… The are PS created… I made a concrete wall for a background and have this really good looking stucco texture to the wall, when I get it into flash the quality of the indentations are just turned to mush…
I have tried both jpg and ping…
sometimes with jpg …when I import it the size is way off, it comes in smaller than I saved it, which causes me to resize it… an issue we discussed earlier
but no mater what I am doing here it’s just not getting there…
Cool I will stick with PNG…
see if this format works
can u send me the file? ill try it, just email it to me soulty@hotmail.com
::::and dont worry i’m not going to use your image, like i wouldnt want you to use the ball image i create.
if the images are bigger than 1 meg , dont send them to hotmail.
Your problem might be the resolution of the images, check if they are 72dpi before you export them as pngs.
:::just tried that , the dpi dosent change anything although you should always use 72 dpi when working on the web.