Flash 6 Check - HTML Publish Settings

Using Flash MX

Has anybody used the Flash 6 Check setting under HTML Publish Settings? I was wondering if there is any documentation on how to use this feature and if anybody has had any success using it. Also I guess it does the check using Javascript?

You mean the option that’s under the Template field, where you can detect for Flash <i>n</i> player?

I think that what this does is generate not only your Flash movie (obviously) but the HTML page in which it sits. It will also automatically insert a piece of JavaScript at the beginning which checks the plug-ins available on the users’ computer.

Yeah. Thats what I was getting at. Have you tried to use this or do you use something else for flash detection?

As far as I know, the JavaScript is the best way of doing it. The Flash option just writes it for you and saves you the hassle, especially if you aren’t familiar with the intricacies of JS…

I think you can either write your own or let the program do it for you, it’s the developer’s choice.

I’ve just run a test in Dreamweaer and it’s a lengthy piece of code. But it does work.

Thanks Kit. I will give it a try tonight.