Flash 8 GPA Calculator help

I’m taking c this semester and finding it interesting and i’m trying to make a gpa calculator. In c its easy, im having trouble converting it to flash. Are school distrubutes this queer-*** excel spreadsheet as a gpa calc! So i wanna make my own.

I have all the calculations on the flash file itself, for reference. I’ll build the interface later.

I have initialized a few variables, but I was wondering if anyone could help with the scheme. I am a complete newb and really would like insight of anykind. My actionscript is weak.

I have input boxes, and instances name ‘a’ ‘amin’ , ‘bplus’ ‘b’ ‘bmin’ in that scheme. I have also named the variables in the same scheme. In fact they are the same.

Should I use input boxes? I would like a submit type button or something. Any suggestions at all, greatly appreciated, i’ll be working on this all day. Thx in advance.

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