Flash and Illustrator woes


Nice forums :slight_smile: I hope this is the right place for this question.

I’m trying to make a site using Flash and the ai files I’m trying to import in to the movies are giving me some grief.

I want to have a the logo fade in and pulse, nothing amazing and I’ve got that bit covered. But I might be back for some help later :slight_smile:

However, its all looking a bit ropey:


As you can see the body of the logo is all screwed up. So I have the logo in illustrator:


but cannot work out what to do with it. I can save it as PNG or something similar but it loses its crispness being a rasterized graphic. How do I go about turning this into something I can use in Flash keeping it looking nice?

I’m a relative novice and have used a bit of both these apps in the past :slight_smile:

many thanks.

In Illustrator Show the Pathfinder (Window > Pathfinder) and with all the paths selected click on the exclude button. This will simplify the logo by making the white outline the complete shape.

Then try importing this into Flash.

If this isn’t what you want, then it may be better redrawing the logo in Flash.

I see, thats turned it into a compund path.

I’ll have a little play with that :slight_smile:


well it appears Illustrator is being a pain in the butt, had to revert to Freehand in the end :slight_smile:

Hmm…since Illustrator is a vector program, why don’t you just copy and paste the logo from the Illustrator stage straight into the flash stage.

I do it all the time and it works for me. Once it’s in flash, it will be grouped together so you might want to break it apart by selecting it and pressing Ctrl B or command B if you’re on a Mac.

omg! charliealpha? as in q3 charliealpha? what are YOU doing here? :wink:


*Originally posted by E G *
**Hmm…since Illustrator is a vector program, why don’t you just copy and paste the logo from the Illustrator stage straight into the flash stage.

I do it all the time and it works for me. Once it’s in flash, it will be grouped together so you might want to break it apart by selecting it and pressing Ctrl B or command B if you’re on a Mac. **

Tried that too, the logo has been constructed in such a way that it loses its paths if I try anything :frowning:

Still Freehand is nice :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by asphaltcowboy *
**omg! charliealpha? as in q3 charliealpha? what are YOU doing here? :wink:

w00t! **

no way!

well its a small small internet after all :smiley:

hahaha, lo m8. kirupa.com has been my secret hiding place whilst not playing q3 :wink:

*Originally posted by asphaltcowboy *
**hahaha, lo m8. kirupa.com has been my secret hiding place whilst not playing q3 :wink: **

your secret’s safe with me mang :toad:

coo’ man, coo’ :wink: