trying to get started with heavily integrating flash as a tool for design (even though i lay stuff up in PS cause i find it faster). i know that most people advise to save images as .PNG when going from PS-to-Flash. then for AI-to-Flash do export as .SWF.
however, i made a logo recently with AI and tried both copy&paste and the export method to Flash, the logo still turned out jaggy. just wondering if anyone knows 1:1 ratio of quality for AI-to-Flash transfer?
yah, that was my last resort. the logo was based from the font ‘cochin’ (serif)…so when i resized (down to a smaller size), part of the fine-lines cracked and went nutso.
btw, am i right w/ the PS-to-AI theory of using/exporting artwork as .PNG?
its weird… colors are ok, i tried everything. using the AI-export2swf-to-Flash method works (somewhat). biggest problem lies when you resize down. i guess Flash should have a feature like AI’s “Object > Flatten Transparency”.
here’s a PSD with screenshots…the layer name is pretty explanatory. let me know if you have any other ideas or solutions. i’ll have this .zip file up for a few weeks to help visualize the situation.
What’s the layer “flash(import.og)”? That one looked pretty smooth.
Anyway, in Illustrator, did you try converting the type to Outlines?
That and copy/paste worked for me.
that layer is the imported .swf from AI. no scale/resize. the type is converted to outlines, as well as flattened transparency which is useful if you resize it (in AI at least).
i think the problem that i cant seem to solve is when i resize the artwork (imported .swf from AI) in Flash. is there a setting so that the artwork stays proportional (curves/lines/etc) like it is when you “flatten transparency” in AI?
Don’t know if this will help but I find that reducing the number of anchor points in AI helps a LOT before importing to flash to keep vecors looking smooth.
yeah, i forgot to mention, like jimhere had done, outline your vectors before you export to flash. text like arial and body copy is fine, but the rest ouline.
yah, its just weird that it doesn’t work on my end. **here’s what i have done (NEW FILES).
4 files:
in the .AI file, the top ‘test c’ text is flattened. b/c i dont have the cochin font myself; and tweaked it for whatevers. but in this case, just take it for what its worth–flattened vector. on the bottom ‘test test test’ text …its outlined-Arial.
i then either export-to-swf the artwork, or cut&pasted to the .FLA
you can take a look at the results via .SWF (using play) or the .FLA preview (using bandwidth profiler per frame)
one thing to pay attention to is the cut&paste section (both original size, and resized version); and the resized version of the imported section.
one thing i got out of this experiment i guess, is that if a text is ‘absolutely flattened’ (text>outline>flattened, or text>flattened, in AI) and transferred to FLASH via ‘cut&paste’ …the points/anchors causes the vector to be jaggy in FLASH. i.e. you can take a look at frame 4 and zoom 2x looking at the ‘C’.
last but not least, i dont know if there’s a fix for this or not, but either way of doing ‘import’ or ‘cut&paste’ and resizing down to make the vector artwork to be smaller–it makes it fuzzy as can be seen on the .SWF.
well if you guys and gals can take a look to verifiy this theory and prove it wrong–the better.