thanx to Lost for AS.
(press the circle)
[swf=“ height=300 width=600”][/swf]
thanx to Lost for AS.
(press the circle)
[swf=“ height=300 width=600”][/swf]
Beautiful man. Absolutely beautiful.
once again i missed the quick reply…
very techish there edwin, very indeed!
the trendiest tech eyeish thingy I’ve ever seen
i love that effect of shadowing/blurring objects by having lower alpha % copies of the clip following it… you seem to use that really well edwin, and your motions are always so smooth and flowing
Beautiful man. Absolutely beautiful.
i like it when it de-assembles.
very very cool
nice 1
::::: AnOraK :::::
wow… its impressive =)
oh my! That’s so cool! I Wish I could do these kewl things!
wow! very nice edwin!
wow very nice. impressive. Fluid movment. i likes
*Originally posted by vts31 *
**i like it when it de-assembles. **
Me too… so fluent… so silky smooth… mmmmmmmmmmmm :love:
One word:
Wow (actually two) cool
Pretty slick Edwin. =)
Great work man, great work.
I have a question - how is your animation so smooth? is it because you use a lot of AS or just small tweens or what? Any tips (and yes I did read the guid by player )
no actionscript was used to animate anything, except for the rewind effect. UM the animation is smooth because i dunno ive been messing with tweens for 3 years now. that particular animation runs aat 60fps. its all about trial and error
what guid by playa?
*Originally posted by *
**what guid by playa? **
Edwin tried to teach me to master the tweening world of Flash, I failed horribly lol. I think it is just something that comes natural to some people!
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