Flash animation

Look at your footer dan. We can tell right away that you are talking bull :wink:

Look at my work then at Edwins, enough said!

It is like comparing me to pom’s AS skills.

i agree w/ lost, your tweening is very nice. Alot better than mine! If i compared myself to edwin…I would give up all hope

i really really like this… its beautiful

I love the tracer effect he showed me!

*Originally posted by dan4885 *
**Look at my work then at Edwins, enough said!

It is like comparing me to pom’s AS skills. **


Enough said there :wink:

that is beatiful, very nice edwin and lost

look at mine compared to gmunk.com !! we’re all hopeless.


[size=1]…(wow,cool and all other forms of amazement were allready taken)…[/size]

…wait a minute - OooooLaLa - was available too :!:

VeryNice !

*Originally posted by vts31 *
**look at mine compared to gmunk.com !! we’re all hopeless. **

Please, you could match gmunk any day Edwin. You just choose to go your own route :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**Please, you could match gmunk any day Edwin. You just choose to go your own route :slight_smile: **

HAHAH yeah right! he ownz me hardcore. Maybe not a drawing but when it comes to motion he has a gift! thena again he is 10 years older than me. I dunno i need 5 years more i think.

*Originally posted by vts31 *
**HAHAH yeah right! he ownz me hardcore. Maybe not a drawing but when it comes to motion he has a gift! thena again he is 10 years older than me. I dunno i need 5 years more i think. **

Lies… all lies… well except that he is older. Just think, by that time, you could own like that. Oh wait, you already do.

The only thing I could own you in is scripting, but thats because your a flash designer and not a flash coder.

that guy wore scary clothes… im scarred for like 2 days

har har har

gmunk is hot… but not my type :sleep:

::heh heh::

thats not really him on his site. i dont think

I don’t know, I think that really is Bradley Grosh (gmunk)

Nevermind, you were right, I found a picture of him through Google (gotta love it)…


I have seen pictures of him in that had in this movie too…


haha he is a NERD!

LOL, yep, but thats what rocks!