Look at your footer dan. We can tell right away that you are talking bull
Look at my work then at Edwins, enough said!
It is like comparing me to pom’s AS skills.
i agree w/ lost, your tweening is very nice. Alot better than mine! If i compared myself to edwin…I would give up all hope
i really really like this… its beautiful
I love the tracer effect he showed me!
*Originally posted by dan4885 *
**Look at my work then at Edwins, enough said!
It is like comparing me to pom’s AS skills. **
Enough said there
that is beatiful, very nice edwin and lost
look at mine compared to gmunk.com !! we’re all hopeless.
[size=1]…(wow,cool and all other forms of amazement were allready taken)…[/size]
…wait a minute - OooooLaLa - was available too :!:
VeryNice !
*Originally posted by vts31 *
**look at mine compared to gmunk.com !! we’re all hopeless. **
Please, you could match gmunk any day Edwin. You just choose to go your own route
*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**Please, you could match gmunk any day Edwin. You just choose to go your own route**
HAHAH yeah right! he ownz me hardcore. Maybe not a drawing but when it comes to motion he has a gift! thena again he is 10 years older than me. I dunno i need 5 years more i think.
*Originally posted by vts31 *
**HAHAH yeah right! he ownz me hardcore. Maybe not a drawing but when it comes to motion he has a gift! thena again he is 10 years older than me. I dunno i need 5 years more i think. **
Lies… all lies… well except that he is older. Just think, by that time, you could own like that. Oh wait, you already do.
The only thing I could own you in is scripting, but thats because your a flash designer and not a flash coder.
that guy wore scary clothes… im scarred for like 2 days
har har har
gmunk is hot… but not my type :sleep:
::heh heh::
thats not really him on his site. i dont think
I don’t know, I think that really is Bradley Grosh (gmunk)
Nevermind, you were right, I found a picture of him through Google (gotta love it)…
I have seen pictures of him in that had in this movie too…
haha he is a NERD!
LOL, yep, but thats what rocks!