Hi, i am using flash mx.
I have a menu movieclip (news_mc) which when clicked on the top most menu button (instance = news_btn1) a submenu containing 2 clickable buttons (current_btn1 and archive_btn1) should slide out underneath news_btn1. This works fine. I have attached this movie clip to the stage using _root.attachmovie(news_mc, news_mc1, 1)
Now when i press the news button the submenu does appear correctly, but when i try to press the submenu buttons nothing happens. I have traced the animation and have found that even when i click the submenu buttons, it shows that i am still clicking the movie clip main menu (news_mc1) so it restarts the animation.
I have put all the actionscript on the stage instead of each specific button, is there anyway around the problem i am having?