I’m trying to finish designing a website for my company and I embedded a video on my timeline using the file -> import video command in flash cs3. The video has been previously converted to flv and added to my web server. The video plays fine when navigated to, but when navigated away from, the audio continues to play regardless of the fact that the player is no longer displayed. I understand that this is because the audio doesn’t get garbage cycled along with the video when it’s removed. I’ve tried everything with my buttonclick functions to add a VideoPlayer.stop(); , but it never seems to work. I’ll attach the code i’m using for my navigation button assignments. Thank you in advance to anyone who can help me. I taught myself cs3 and as3 as i made this site, so it’s been educational, but also EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING.
var REELbtncount: Boolean;
REEL_btn.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, reelnav );
function reelnav(Event:MouseEvent){
REELbtncount = false;
RESUME_btn.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, resumenav );
function resumenav(Event:MouseEvent){
REELbtncount = true;
Contact_btn.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, contactnav );
function contactnav(Event:MouseEvent){
REELbtncount = false;
if (REELbtncount = false) {