Newbie Question about flash video

I’ve been using Flash on and off for years, just doing small things, but I’m currently building part of my website in Flash CS3. I have linked a small flv to play on one frame/page of my scene, and works great, but my only issues is that if I navigate away from that page to another page, the flv is still playing or at least the audio is still playing. When I navigate back to that frame, the flv automatically begins to play again, even with the audio still playing from the previous play.

Its a bit annoying. :sen:

The only way to not make this happen is by making sure you hit the stop button before you navigate away from that frame/page. I used the import video wizard to set up my video, but I’m not sure how to stop the video from continuing to play once I’ve navigating from that frame??

Any help would be appreciated!! thank you!!!

Okay, so I figured out how to stop the video from automatically playing using the component inspector and turning autoplay to False.

So, at this point, it’s still the issue with the video not stopping if I click a button to move to a different page. The audio is still audible. I want the flash video to immediately stop if I move to a different page. Would I use Cue Points for that?