I was thinking about this this morning, i have been with flash since flash 5 an as1 and been bustin my *** trying to learn AS3 in totality, but when i actually stepped back i realised its kinda fake…
Like, Adobe seem to have an on going spiral of learning a new language every 2 years, an old habits die hard. So i end up unlearning things i grew to only just get used to… an the results truely do not differ much…
I mean, when you look around the internet at flash sites, almost nothing has changed.
Why is there not direct hardware support? Everyone has had a 3d card for years now as standard the flash still slows down to a snails pace sometimes… with not much going on on screen.
The other thing, is why do adobe feel the need to close the right click menu? I mean, flash was build for interactive websites and presentations to begin with (well since 4 really) yet one of the most commonly used functions, the mouse buttons, are tampered with, just so people can zoom in and out and read that adobe flash player rules.
I have always felt somewhat claustraphobic in a flash application, i mean, if im looking for a new TV, an the company has a flash website for that TV, i tend to click out of it straight away and goto a review site because i know the flash site will be all bells and whistles and if there is a spec i want to compare, i probably cant copy and paste. Its almost like having a panel of buttons on a 747 but theres a layer of glass covering it, so only very specific things may be done.
I suppose i woke up this morning, and the pursuit of feeling compelled to learn AS3 was almost lost because i cant honestly do anything more with it really than i could with AS2, i mean, its a bunch of hassle for almost no gain. If u show me a AS2 and AS3 site i wouldnt be able to tell the difference.
Adding salt to the wound is how another version is already in development and what will they do next? Add a couple of new operators, turn everything upside down and on its head inside out, yet retain the same functionality but call it AS4?
If GUIs cant really be bothered with animations and things no more and the day of the vector animation and tween has gone, does than mean that flash will be used for one thing, and that is streaming video on the web?
Ajax is too clunky and stuff, but i do feel at home, google maps again would feel claustraphobic if it was done in Flash/Flex…
What do people see happening in the future and does flash have any rivals apart from Ajax that are worth while?
Im not hurting flash as i have always stood by it, but i guess i want somewhat transferable skills and not wasting my life learning and buying books for almost no change what so ever. We are still very limited after all.