Flash cs5 text editor problem

when I pressed on the shift key for 3 seconds and maybe another key more , [COLOR=red]my actions panel changed into what it looks like in the picture below.[/COLOR]
then, [COLOR=black]when I press [/COLOR][COLOR=blue]enter for new line[/COLOR] , it puts “[COLOR=red]q[/COLOR]” at the end of each line , and when I press [COLOR=blue]tab key[/COLOR] , it puts “[COLOR=red]>>[/COLOR]” symbol,
when I press [COLOR=blue]space key[/COLOR], it puts “[COLOR=red].[/COLOR]” dot
I am trying to set my [COLOR=blue]actionscript panel[/COLOR] back to normal , but I couldnt manage it.

is there any who can help with this ?? thanks in advance.
by the way code works fine when I run or debug it , when I copy the code, it doesnt copy “>>”, “.”, “q” signs.
it seems “>>”, “.”, “q” characters has no effect on the sheet, but they make me crazy.