Flash Frustration

[COLOR=#191970]Okay before I write my problem, rest assured I know what I’m doing. I am a senior IT teacher and this problem is confusing me no end.[/COLOR]

All I want to do is have a Flash menu open a link in a targeted frame.

I have been doing this for a long time and it’s never had any problems working however all my examples suddenly stopped working?

I have tried many things including the following:

  • “mainFrame” vs mainFrame and all logical variants
  • allowScriptAccess as a param to my Flash object
  • Exporting my Flash button in different Flash player formats

But no matter what I do I CANNOT get a page to open in a targeted frame?

I am using (because I’m at school) Macromedia 8, Internet Explorer 6 with Flash 9 Plug In.

Are there version issues I should know about? Honestly this seems like such a simple problem??? I even found an example on this site that doesn’t work for me: ([COLOR=#800080]http://www.kirupa.com/developer/flash5/frames.htm[/COLOR])

I really need a solution???