Flash image viewing application

SimpleViewer is a customizable flash image viewing application.

Thumbnail gallery with viewed image icon.
Intelligent image preloading. Images are preloaded in the background.
Resizable interface. Interface scales to fit browser window.
Easy to use.
Customizable Interface. Set text color, frame color and width, navigation position.
Lightweight (12k).
Displays images of any aspect ratio and pixel dimensions.
Cross platform (requires Flash 6 or higher).
Flash 6 detection. Users without Flash 6 are redirected to an upgrade page.
Free! =)



Thank you, andrthad,
Here is my question: in the left superior corner there is a [?] that if you put your mouse over comes Information about ImageVue adn mjau-mjau now, and if you pusch this simbole it goes to the imageVue main page, How can I change this link and information? I was serching in the script with out success, anyway I found that there is MC called: overInfo where the info is called dynamic.

Any Idea how to achive this?
Thank in Advance

Thank you, andrthad,
Here is my question: in the left superior corner there is a [?] that if you put your mouse over comes Information about ImageVue and mjau-mjau , if you puch this simbole it goes to the imageVue main page, How can I change this link and the information? I was seraching in the script with out success, anyway I found that there is a MC called: overInfo where the info is called dynamic.

Any Idea how to achive this? :thumb:
Thank in Advance

Hey Lobo,

It depends on whether you bought the commercial licensed version or the private version whether you can can the [?]. According to their site you can not change the information on the [?] if you purchased the private version. If you bought the private version a workaround might be to put a black box mc over the [?] or as you point out just find it in the code and change the information.

Free ImageGallery


ActionScript ImageGallery

http://www.liamegan.com/egFiles/album/album.html (***)

Free ImageGallery

ActionScript ImageGallery

http://www.hollowcube.com/talk/archives/000523.php (have potential)

http://photostack.org/ (none)
http://gallery.menalto.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=index ()
http://coppermine.sourceforge.net/ (
http://singapore.sourceforge.net/ (
http://scripts.telekorn.de/cms/front_content.php (

http://www.hollowcube.com/talk/archives/000523.php (have potential)

thx for these, lobo, why not group them all in one (edit feature…) post though…?

you are welcome Eyezberg, and I edit my post now :ear: this is my favorite thead :love:

hi all,

I have imageview it’s great!

recently I have uploaded it to my new webhosting account over at unflux.net

Strange thing is when i visit my site using IE and mozilla the thumbnails load but when i click the thumbnail the large picture won’t load at all.

first i thought, well maybe the pictures are saved in the wrong format options available in photoshop ‘baseline (“standaard”)’, baseline “optimized” and Progressive. I know pictures must be saved with the baseline (“standaard”) to work in imageview, so i i did but nothing changes at all.

then when i use opera browser, everything works well, so the format option is not the issue here.

I have the imageview app running on another server not hosted by unflux, www.wendyenharvey.nl here it works in all browsers.

does any one else has an idea why this is happening.


dpg-105 that;s a wicked gallery!! i love it!! would you be able to provide a fla for that by any chance???

red_A… Sorry but the imageview gallary ain’t free. go get it your self at http://www.imagevuex.com/ u’ll love it.

Were u able to open the bigger pictures?


problem solved, hotlinking issue!

I’ve downloaded the fla at http://www.liamegan.com/gal/album.fla
Looks way cool, but I’m not quite sure of the directory(ies) that my jpegs need to lie in? Is this code that functional that it can grab jpegs and upload them into this nice interface?



I’m new to this forum however, I’ve been reading and got great info form this forum.
I just download imageVue and upload the “upload folder” to my web server. I rename “upload folder” to “imageview” Under “imageview” I created groupfolders and imagefolders, and put images in the imagefolder. when test in browers the gallery is not working. Earthlink is my web host if that make any difference.

This is what I see when test http://www.ketsana.com/upload/

Can someone please help me.


It seems that your account doesn’t support/has php as the source code is displayed.


Earthlink is my web hosting I talked to them yesterday and they told me that my account does support PHP4…

I guess I better call them again today.


Did you check that your jpeg are saved as non progressive ? Flash can’t handle progressive jpeg

It was PHP issue. I had to rename my PHP to PHP4 however, now my thumbnail/image doesn’t load.


what exactly did you change? If you changed the file names, then the swf can’t find the php scripts anymore!?