that is interesting
cool. (fester, lets get one going for Boston…you know you want to…) lolo
lol…dont tempt me bro :beam:
so you’ll consider it!? lol
sure why not
I would do that in a second if there was one near by here What a cool idea. I head about this on the radio a few days back
start one! thats cool, they did circles and then just dissipated into a crowd.
Mine would require everybody to act like a different animal for 5 minutes.
your a freak, that is a very strange thing…
hm…i was expecting a mob of flash users/developers who would collaborate on some huge project… :-\
Interesting anyway.
WHahahahahahaha lol
*Originally posted by Manny Calavera *
**hm…i was expecting a mob of flash users/developers who would collaborate on some huge project… :-\
Interesting anyway. **
thats what i thought too, but oh well
Ya this is liek a “flash flood” “flash mob”. I could never getthis to work wehre i live. THe city only has 250,000 ppl. IT would be like me and maybe 2 other ppl acting liek idiots at a shoe store.
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