BWAHAHAHA. I aM NoW iN The PRoCESS OF CReATINg A MacHine That EnaBles Me TO StEAl ALL YoUr FlaSh TalEnts!! I wILL BeCome A Flash Guru By AbsorbiNG Your MinDS! Any ObJECtIONS? I ShAll AlSo Take Your Money! So THERE! TaKE Me To YoUr LeAder!!!

:smokin: scott

Can you make me a machine that will steal someone else’s technical abitlities en masse? I would like to become a brain surgeoun by next week if possible. :smiley:
Thanks for your posts! I reponded to them all. I really appreciatte it as it helps to prime the pump if you know what I mean. Many people don’t like new and slow moving boards. Me hopes it will not always stay that way. BTW, are you another canadian too? Like ya hey there and all? :lol:


I posted my Yahoo secret inside Corpus T BB’s. And as far as I know this is true, as it worked for me. check it out, too long to repost, and try it, and tell me what you think. See if it werks fer you. Be diligent with the daily process as it only takes less than a minute. And follow the other steps as well. My guess, is of course, it will. I am sure of it.

And it makes sense and I am even surprised because this was one of the functions we had on our servers at 3Com. I am surprised I didn’t put 2 and 2 together a lot sooner. But keep it quiet, we dont want anyone at Kirupa to find my lil secret! :wink: Shhhhhh! And remember this, Google and Yahoo are one in essence. For argument sake anyways. Catch ya later crazy guy…now wheres my brain surgeon maker machine?


You can steal my Flash capabilities but it comes bundled with my anti-sticky-cap typing.

i just got a new 19` monitor!! WOOOOOt! its so huge i feel like a dwarf! now…how do i view my sites as if a 15 or 17 inch monitor is viewing them??

:smokin: scott


Set your browser to approximately 800x600 in width. Most HTML editing programs such as FrontPage and DreamWeaver have a preview mode in which you can specify the size you want the browser window to be.


phil, what is ur site, i bookmarked wrong page and it doesnt work. and for some reason your footer doesn’t show up either…maybe its my new monitor??

actually, i checked history and ur site isn’t working…maybe its down for now

:smokin: scott

No, its a switched server, you are probably drawing my old URL that is a 404 now. My mistakes. The site is; www.corpust.com
Or my server was down, unlikely though-
Indexed by 50 countries in May and the 4 days of June. Just got em so I am kind of still thrilled. Hard work pays.


what will happen now…? is ur site wiped or sumthing…u had it on HD tho…so its okay :slight_smile:


wow…that was me huh…i think i was high or something :sleep:

LOL… you always sound like that!


the original idea originated from matrix…i wish i could upload/download all info into brain…when is Matrix 2 coming out anyways? :q:


go ahead i dont have any anyways:geek:

i think you will end up worse then you are now if you do that…lol

i dont think thats possiable.:beam:

old thread! old thread! old thread! old thread! old thread! old thread! old thread! old thread! old thread! old thread!

take that mak: :trout:

HA! :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by Guig0 *
old thread! old thread! old thread! old thread! old thread! old thread! old thread! old thread! old thread! old thread!

Oh am surprised that guigo is sayin’ so!