Hey guys,
Here’s my problem.
What I did
Use the tutorial http://www.kirupa.com/developer/mx2004/transitions.htm to make my animation sequence and to make it automatically play the first SWF. So I ended up making the main movie called ‘main.swf’, and the other swfs that were to load into the main movie stage1.swf, stage2.swf, stage3.swf and *stage4.swf. *
Put all the required SWF files into one folder called ‘Media’ for my website.
In Dreamweaver 8, I inserted the ‘main.swf’ into my webpage.
The Problem
When I previewed the webpage in a browser, the main movie showed up with the buttons there, but they weren’t able to load the other swfs that i wanted it to. Does anyone have any ideas how to fix it? Or be able to make the main movie load the external swfs?