Flash MX! beginner needs help

Hi there dear ppl

i’ve got some problems with flash mx… i’m trying to make a game using the arrow buttons on the keyboard to navigate thru the platform. this works so far… but the platform is kind of like a labyrinth seen from above if you know what i mean. that’s why i said it’s like zelda or pokemon on the game boy
so the view is from the top…

now the problem is i need a collision detection… this doesnt work with tutorials and the other problem is that in a labyrinth there are walls and i have to prevent that the users hit’s on walls…
so basically the player has to be able to walk thru the map and not thru or over the walls but i cant get this to work. if a player hits a wall then he should just walk along that wall but doesnt work

AND AND then when a player comes over (like in contact) with another player then the whole movie has to go to another url on the site, a html site. after he been to the html site he should be able to go back to the place where the player has been…
like when a player walks to a dragon then the movie has to go to dragon.html. but then in that page he can click to continue the walk, then the players should be place rite where he left the game and not in the beginning again…

i heard it’s sort of done with some two dimensional matrix but still i dont know anything bout it
here’s an example that i’m trying to get:
well if someone could get me the source i’d be gratefull to him or her really!!! but still i need some side information on that code…

well i hope u ppl can help me out and if u can hurry it up coz i’m trying to put my site online in a few weeks…

thanx friends

here’s what i have to work with:

It does work with collision detection (hitTest), read the manual/help files, both the player and the walss need to be clips.
As to go back to a certain postion, you’ll need either the sharedObject or a server-side script which will record the players _x and _y, and reset them when you click the link to go back, for example using FlashVars in you object tag.
If this sounds complicated, yup, try something easier :wink: