Flash mx or flash 5?

I’ve notice alot of the tutorials i’ve tried from this site and others don’t work as well, perhaps they were intended for flash 5? Alot of users i’ved talk to have had the same problems. And yes i did follow those tutorials word for word over and over. For example i tried this glint effect everythings setup perfectly. The text is masked with the bg, but when i play it back i get some ugly floating rectangle. Its masked right and when its played through the mini library it shows fine but when you play the actual clip thats where i’m gettin at. What do you guys think? Is there some compability issue? Did flash mx degrade from flash 5 in terms of easy use and flexiblity? -.-’’

no, anything you could do in flash 5 you can do in flash mx, they just imrpoved the actionscripting so its much more flexible and advanced, if ur having trouble with the tutorials post your problems and maybe we can help ! :slight_smile:

ok to show you an example of my problem i put it in this fla file you can get here, basically when u look at the mini browser in the library you see the effect fine but when you go to test movie you get this rectangle box and no masking. This has been happening alot in most of the things i generated.


which tutorial is this?
