I’m building a game for my senior project and when my main character moves he seems to have a jumpy movement. He should move smoothly across the screen. For some reason though, while he is moving it looks like he hasn’t been drawn quick enough or something. His picture seems to jump to where he should go and back to where he was before. I don’t want to post the swf. It’s a large file and I don’t want it stolen (I have a story built and characters ,etc.) I have the fps set to 30 and I’ve checked it. The CPU useage doesn’t go up high at any time while running the game. Also, I’ve checked the frame rate and it doesn’t drop below an average of 29.6 for the last 10 frames. (Checks and outputs every frame). Does anybody know how to fix this or what it is even being cause by?
SoupHead :?)
Also, when I increase the fps to 50 or 60 it jumps even more even though the fps only drops about a half of a frame at the max. My CPU usage is also low too. I’m confused by this.