Flash MX2 or 2004?

Here is some great info I just got from www.ntsf.org

Macromedia is in making of their future design and development package these days. We have got some “behind the scene” information for you about those future products particularly Macromedia Flash version of that package.

According to the sources closed to ieXbeta, the next products package of Macromedia will have 2004 or MX2 in the end of each product like Macromedia Flash 2004 rather than Macromedia Flash 7. During the beta testing process, the code name for Dreamweaver is Rockford.

Apparently Flash will be cut in two versions:

Matador: for the Web designer, interactive media professional, or subject matter expert developing multimedia content. Emphasis is on creation, import, and manipulation of many types of media (audio, video, bitmaps, vectors, text, and data).

Toreador: for advanced Web designers and application builders. Toreador includes everything that is in Matador along with several powerful new tools. It provides project management tools for optimizing the workflow between the members of a web team made up of both designers and developers. External scripting, databinding, along with other features, make it particularly useful for large scale, complex projects that will be deployed using Flash Player along with a hybrid of HTML content.

Macromedia will probably officially announce their next set of products in Macromedia MAX 2003 conference that will be held in November this year.

I find it very interesting that they are in fact looking to go with 2 versions of flash. I am not really in favour of it but what do I know :slight_smile:

having two versions totally sucks :hair:

yeah as soon as i read that i went :frowning: i think they should keep it one. but doing this will cut the price of one and jack the price of the other. i know i will pick up MX for cheap before these launch last time 5 went for $99 USD a week before MX :o

I don’t see the point of two versions, I’d just use the Toreador version and never touch the M version.


*Originally posted by ahmed *
**having two versions totally sucks :hair: **

*Originally posted by Maxtr0sity *
**I don’t see the point of two versions, I’d just use the Toreador version and never touch the M version.

=) **

they want to reach more people say, hey look if you just want to have all that fancy animation, this is for you, and look at the price!

How much for verstion T?

we wont know till november :frowning: i would guess $500 or there abouce. but upgrades will be less as always.

They should name the product pakage… 2k4…like Flash 2k4…dun dun dun…sounds more futuristic-ie.

as for havin two versions of Flash, half of the ppl won’t even care b/c they’ll be using cracked versions anyways. I mean everyone’s gonna buy it legally, uh yeah