Check it out for yourself!!
I love the new style of macromedia’s site BTW. :love:
Check it out for yourself!!
I love the new style of macromedia’s site BTW. :love:
Yeah their site is very nice ! And so is the black box of Studio MX ! :love:
Yeah! I’m so pre-ordering this thing tomorrow!! :love:
Timeline Effects
PDF and EPS (Adobe Illustrator 10) support
Compiler and Macromedia Flash Player Performance Gains
New Components
V2 Component Architechture
Start Page
Help Panel
Polystar Tool
ActionScript 2.0
CSS Style Sheets
Unicode Support
Strings Panel
Alias Text
Video Import Wizard
Spell Checking & Search/Replace
Extensibility Architecture
History Panel & Commands
Deployment Kit
Publish Settings
Robust Development
Advanced Components
Connecting to Data Sources
Data Bound Components
Updating Data Sources with Delta Packets
ActionScript Support for Data
Project Panel
Source Code Control
Professional Video
3rd Party Application Integration
High-Quality Video
Improved Video Encoder
External FLV with Progressive Playback
Media Components
Device Development
External Players
MIDI Ring Tone support
… what the Professional Version has.
bad***** chit mang.
OMFG look at all the new stuff i cannot wait :faints:
interesting… they say there will be CSS support in Flash
take the tour… slide 2 in 0.53
Flash and Dreamweaver can now share CSS files… I just hope we’ll be able to turn anti-aliasing off…
SooB, I was just there a couple of hours looking for anything anew and they pull this stuff out from under my nose :hangover:
good call kax
I was searching for a TechNote for this guy I was helping, and suddenly the site changed!
Really cool new stuff, I can’t wait to get my hands on it!
…And kax!? Who’s that? :whistle:
hehe i have known about htis for some time…couldnt say anything though. i really cant wait. although i just bought studio mx (price came way down so i thought mike lets be legal!) but hey there is upgrades cool stuff, looks amazing!
The JavaScript API is a biggie. Dreamweaver and fireworks have had it and its about time so did Flash. This will make authoring in Flash just ROCK for designers. I suspect many (I know some) of the other new features are just extensions of the Javasctipy API like the timeline effects and behaviors and the polystar drawing tool. Very cool. Just need more time in life to develop this kind of stuff
sen masters FMX and they hit him with AS 2.0. this is going to be so cool, an upgrade is in the near future…
I have a question - now since there are two versions, is the Flash MX 2004 going to have a timeline and the developer edition isnt? I really hope that’s not the case or there is some kind of option to switch it on and off… anyone know for sure?
I gotta buy that! :love:
Nice one Kax
sure shot
its in there kinda middle of the page
Aw d*mnit still no spell check! or alpha masking!
edit: but they do have some pretty hot stuff.
Ehmm… Coppertop…
Hey they do! SWEET!!!
But they didn’t bring back FLash5’s alpha masking. THat was the biggie.
since when did Flash 5 have alpha masking
well, in flash 5, if your mask was only 50% transparancy, then the thing you were masking would have 50% transparancy. You could also make transparancy gradients, which could give come really cool effects.
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