Flash popup within frames help

Hey, I’ve been using flash for sometime now, and just recently ran into a weird dilemna…

Using the centered popup actionscript from kirupa.com I’m trying to launch a popup from a flash animation thats nested within an iframe on my site… the popup works when i visit just the HTML page that the flash is on, but if I view my site, with the iframe nested in it… the popup doesn’t work, in fact it loads a file not found into the iframe target instead of even attempting to make a pop up… man o man… please help if you have any clue why this is happening, a working example of what I’m trying to do can be seen here… http://primary.optikinesis.com/portfolio/id-compinet.html that’s just the html for the flash anim… Thanks for any help in advance. :hat:

That’s because the iframe is not the same as the main DOM object which is window which the tutorial is based on. No idea how to script that, I hate pop-ups, sorry…

Sorta figured that. Pop ups are great when used functionally, as in when the user wants it to appear… I may just have to go with a target="_blank" and load whats gonna be in the popup that way, there might be a way to control the window size within the document… hmmm… I should research, any other help is welcomed please

this is by no means definate as im not that hot at HTML but why not just have the target page as _blank as you suggested and put some script in the <body> of that document like this:

if ( navigator.appName.indexOf(“Netscape”)!=-1)
var w = window.open(“blank.html”, “6lank”, “margins=0,border=0,width=700,height=500,scrollbars=no,status=no,resizable=no,left=0,top=0”);

	if ( navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft")!=-1)
	var w = window.open("blank.html", "6lank", "width=700,scrollbars=no,height=500,status=no,resizable=no,screenX=0,screenY=0");

// -->
of course the problem here would be youd be left with a big blank HTML page (the one which launched the pop up) unless you know a script for closing pages automatically.
Hope thats been of some help?

I figured a fix… going with the target="_blank" idea and adding a bit of jscript with dhtml to make the targeted page conform to the size of the image in it… working wonderfully too… research is key. thanks all. If you have the same problem ,contact me as i will hit ya up with the solution.

hey man what script you using to make the HTML page conform to your constraints, i could do with similar one myself!!