I am almost finished with a project that is a flash site that runs off a CD. I created a .exe projector that autolaunches the site. Everything works perfectly on a pc. On a Mac however the site won’t load.
What steps need to be taken in order to make a flash multimedia cd run on a mac? Can a mac do autorun?
In Flash, File | Publish Settings is where I set preferences to create the .exe – I thought a mac would be a .hqx – but when tested it didn’t work.
^^ Yes. Check out that link and the tutorial within it. This is exactly how I’ve done it. (It was expensive at the time because we had to purchase hybrid CDs and Toast burning software).
Thanks for the fast and concise info. Awesome! I’ll hunt down some of my mac buddies to see if I can create the cd on their computer. I was hoping to be able to compile on a pc, but it doesn’t appear like that’s possible – just like Director it seems.
you can do it on a pc as well you need a software caled mac disk i dont remember do a search ive posted links to the appts and explained how to do this on a pc
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