Flash Resume

I decided to make a flash resume even though I’m not looking for a graphic design job. The problem is that everyone has the same one page resume at the college I go to and I wanted something a little different. In addtition, there were quite a few things I had to leave off my one page resume that I really wanted to have on there. Since there are no real standards for a flash resume, I can do whatever I want! :stuck_out_tongue:

So how is this for a first run? A first run at flash and a first run at a graphical resume.


A few pages are a little blank and I really couldn’t think of anything to put there. So suggestions would be appreciated there.

I know its nothing close to the resumes from the pay sites, but I’m not sure it really needs to be since I’m looking for an engineering job. Everything is lined up and each page uses the same font, color etc. That in itself makes this resume better than anything else artistic I have ever done. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, for the swf file, I wanted to show the movie as a fixed size but I couldn;t figure out how to do that. I plan to give out the movie on a CD. The SWF file resizes the player window, but it scales in internet explorer. It really confused me so any tips would be appreciated there too.

PS: The links might be down from 1:30 Am to about 8:00 Am EST. Sorry but the web server I have needs a break. Most of the time they should work though.