Have patience. You can not expect everyone to just jump all over your posts and answer you immediately. We all have lives, jobs, school and other stuff to content with. We do not get paid for helping people. We do this because we like to spread the knowledge, so have respect and patience. Also, it is not a time of high traffic on the board so your question will not get answered very fast, wait for a more busier time.
I saw in your other post you said “Yea it does suck” or something to that effect. Again, have respect. Your site wasn’t all that great either, so don’t rag on other people.
That tutorial tells you what to do, you just need to READ it and read it slowly. If you don’t understand read it again. That tutorial is up for a reason, because it works and it has helped hundreds of people.
Intros should be small. If it is too big then you did something wrong. Flash MX automatically compresses most movies, however sometimes this isn’t enough. Take some things out if it is too big.
You will not be able to understand that tutorial. It deals with actionscript and it is pretty obvious that you haven’t even started to get a grasp with that. My advice is this:
Slow down. Flash is not something that you can learn overnight. Many of the effects that you are doing with tweening can be done with actionscript and that would make your file size smaller, but you need to learn actionscript.
I saw in your other post you said “Yea it does suck” or something to that effect. Again, have respect. Your site wasn’t all that great either, so don’t rag on other people.
Hey i know my site sucks its just a beta site for meh clan
and i didnt mean to like insult him im just agree’in with him like i’m agee’in wit u!