i would rather photoshop expand on its raster capabilities than trying to make it more “vector” . We will see what will happen with the release of version 8 soon.
I’m done with this too… I’m tired, and soulty’s 11:42 post kinda pissed me off… it’s off the topic. And it doesnt contribute to any of the arguments.
My position is that photoshop doesn’t lose it’s rastering abilities if it supports vector based objects. Why? because the pixel information exists, no matter what. Any vector based program has to convert vectors to pixels.
as long as the pixels exist, photoshop can do its work. It doesn’t matter how the pixels got there… whether they were drawn with the pencil tool, or whether they were drawn using vector information.
whys is it off the topic??
*Originally posted by lavaboy *
**I’m done with this too… I’m tired, and soulty’s 11:42 post kinda pissed me off… it’s off the topic. And it doesnt contribute to any of the arguments.
My position is that photoshop doesn’t lose it’s rastering abilities if it supports vector based objects. Why? because the pixel information exists, no matter what. Any vector based program has to convert vectors to pixels.
as long as the pixels exist, photoshop can do its work. It doesn’t matter how the pixels got there… whether they were drawn with the pencil tool, or whether they were drawn using vector information.
goodnight. **
As a side note to this, not an argument, I always though the information contained within a Vector pixel and a Raster pixel were different. Vector is different because the information changes according to the resizing no? I could be wrong.
Raf all i was saying before, is that with each release of photoshop there are more features added to it, this version 7 included vector shapes, which is great , because creating rounded rectangles in photoshop need 3 or 4 task before , and now its available there with a click of a butt. Now there was not much too the version 6 to 7 release, and i was just saying i would rather if adobe would expand on the raster side of things more than adding vector capabilities.
Not intended to piss you off mate, just wanted to add my opinion.
and if you meant about the post previous to that, well yeah your right, shouldn’t of said that, lol, ah bugger you gotta act quick in these threads, and iam kinda slow today. sorry bud.
ill shout ya a beer or something
lavaboy, in order to do what u ask, every “pixel” from raster would have to become vector. so basically u have the same thing. vectors the size of pixels. excpt now u need a super comuter to do anything with it.
Hmmm, a raging thread full of testosterone.
I’m going to repeat my previous statement I think. It all depends on what you want to produce, as to which program you use, and which is better for the job.
None of them is ‘better’ than the other anyway. They all have good and bad points. I think it’s best to become a jack of all trades, and get familiar with them all.
*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**As a side note to this, not an argument, I always though the information contained within a Vector pixel and a Raster pixel were different. Vector is different because the information changes according to the resizing no? I could be wrong. **
that’s one of the points that I’ve been talking about. Yes the pixel information is going to change if you resize a vector shape, however… Photoshop is step-based. If you change a vector shape, Photoshop would have to redo all the effects that have been done on that shape. Just like it does now.
I mean, yeah, to a point, photoshop supports vector based stuff. After all you have vector masks when you draw shapes. But it’s so freaking annoying to work with them, because you can’t get into the nitty gritty of stuff… you have to work with the mouse.
Soulty: it’s cool…
*Originally posted by vts31 *
**lavaboy, in order to do what u ask, every “pixel” from raster would have to become vector. so basically u have the same thing. vectors the size of pixels. excpt now u need a super comuter to do anything with it. **
I’ve talked about this twice already. Playa and Lost said that this is what i implied. This does not need to happen. Read my previous posts as to why.
Flash, I dont use Photoshop.
(actually I’ve used once two or three yrs ago)