If I wanted to build a site using Flash MX, does it matter if I use Photoshop or Fireworks for the graphics? Just curious if one is better than the other…I’m assuming that it is just a matter of preference but I want to be sure.
I prefer Photoshop. I used Fireworks in school and I didn’t very much like that program. Although I also didn’t have enough time to really get used to using it and learning how it works.
Photoshop is always A1 on my list. But you are right, it is a matter of opinion and preference.
Illustrator is pretty good too. I have only used that a couple times and have actually only saved 1 picture from it, but it is definitely something I want to save up for.
Much as I love Photoshop, you have to remember that it isn’t vector based, like Flash is, so when you import your brand spanking Photoshop images, they won’t always resize that well, and can look a bit fuzzy. I guess you could always play around with ‘Trace Bitmap’ there…
I’d go for Illustrator really, as that <I>is</I> vector based, and has the same effects and filters.
Vector based is one of the reasons I want Illustrator so badly.
I love being able to export my images as .swf files and import them into Flash seamlessly. They are even resizable in flash without distortion. Gotta love that.
In my opinion I think you can do more in Photoshop than in Illustrator, but Illustrator has that Vector advantage.
Either way, I still have to say I like Photoshop best, but Illustrator is definitely number 2 on that list before any other program.
Thanks for the great feedback everyone. Thanks Kitiara for making the point about Illustrator and vector based graphics. I have never really dealt with vector based. I have always created websites using Photoshop but now I am really wanting to learn Flash.
My work is getting me a copy of Flash MX and Dreamweaver MX. I am hoping to find enough tutorials to use these two tools and build a nice web site.
Is building a site completely in Flash overkill? or is it best to use something like Dreamweaver for most of the content and Flash for animations/mouseovers, etc.?
Don’t get the dream/flash bundle, go for the MX Studio which will contain all the latest Macromedia products you need, and the price is not much different (you ain’t paying anyway, push it!)
Choice of “tools” (html/swf/whatever) to display content depends on the content itself, on the potential users of the site (will they possibly have the latest Flash plug-in installed) , how often you plan on updating etc etc, there’s whole books out there on publishing considerations…depends what ya workin’ on…
Yep, Studio MX contains Flash, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Freehand, a demo of ColdFusion and Extension MX too. It’s well worth it. Athough I got an email from Macromedia yesterday announcing the new Developers Extension CD for on $100. Why they can’t tell me in good old pounds and pence, I don’t know…
Sounds great. I should not have a problem getting the Studio MX package.
So let me ask another question…is Illustrator used for this site? http://www.2advanced.com/flashindex.htm . I know this is a really advanced Flash site but this is the type of site I would like to build with Flash MX and Illustrator. It is so awesome watching the entire site being compiled before your eyes!
I know I sound like a kid in a candy store but I am very, very new to Flash and this stuff is just amazing to me.
Also, please post some links to Illustrator tutorials, if you know any.
I think 2advanced is a combination of Photoshop, Illustrator and Flash. I know it isn’t all illustrator, and I know it isn’t all Photoshop. Some of their vector created items may have just been drawn in Flash itself.
I don’t know any sites for Illustrator tutorials because I don’t have it. One thing that I do ask of you is to PLEASE not make a complete replica of 2advanced. There are about 4,376 copies of that site so it is now considered completely unoriginal. Just tryin to keep you out of deep water.
point well made lostinbeta. I would never knowingly duplicate someones site/design. I want to be as original as possible. I was making a reference to how the site is built before your eyes. I really like how you can achieve that awesome effect with Flash.
I have so much to learn about Flash which unfortunately means that it will be awhile before I produce my first web site using Flash.
Thanks for your advice and the information about the 2advanced site.
Hey no problem. I wish I could do that too, but my inablitity to draw and animate anything in Flash is quite a handicap. I will stick to learning the coding. Although I am working on my first Flash interface, it will be a while before I ever get that to work/look right.
Again…good luck, I look forward to seeing what you create (if you decide to post it on the forum)
Here is another great site that is built before your eyes. I don’t like the colors or navigation all that much but I do like the text boxes, etc. that are built… http://www.fontsforflash.com/
thanks again for your help. Best of Luck on your interface.