[Flash8] Combo boxes, Photo Galleries, xml, and much much more!

Ok…I was kidding about the much much more part. However, I really do need help as I am clueless when it comes to linking xml with flash. Right now, I have a successful combo box that loads an external jpg to flash from a folder where I store all my images. However the information that is given about the pictures are all in the flash code. I have an xml document, and I was wondering if there’s any way I can load information from the xml file rather than supplying it in the flash code,

this is currently the flash code:

combo_cb.addItem(“0001 The Assasain”, 1);
combo_cb.addItem(“0002 The Confrontation”, 2);


lo = new Object();
lo.change = function () {

picture.loadMovie("manga/firstmanga/000" + combo_cb.value + ".jpg");
pos_txt.text = combo_cb.value + " / "+total;

combo_cb.addEventListener(“change”, lo);

And this is the XML file code

<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utf-8” standalone=“yes” ?>

  • <images>
  • <pic>
    <caption>The Assasain</caption>
  • <pic>

P.S. sorry about not putting code tags around the codes, I couldn’t get them to work.