[Flash8] Mouse Traking

I recently downloaded a star background for an ad. The site where the ad is posting does not allow mouse tracking. I have made an attempt at removing it from this script, and i know once i remove it it will work like a charm, unfortunately, when i remove mouse tracking, the whole code goes to hell because other chunks depend on it. Can someone take a look at it and let me know how to remove mouse tracking? I have highlighted the section i removed. Thank you!

class star extends MovieClip {
private var px;
private var py;
private var pz;
private var fieldsize;
private var fieldlength;
private var starsize;
private var color;

function star() {
    fieldsize = Math.max(Stage.width,Stage.height);
    fieldlength = 1000;
    color = new Color(this);
pz = fieldlength*Math.random(); // initially distribute stars evenly throughout the field

function init() {
  // give it a random size 
    starsize = 20 + 100*Math.random();
    // give it a bit of color
    var cr:Number = Math.floor(200 + 55*Math.random());
    var cg:Number = Math.floor(180 + 75*Math.random());
    var cb:Number = Math.floor(160 + 95*Math.random());
    color.setRGB(cr<<16 | cg<<8 | cb);

    // pick a start position
    px = 1.5*fieldsize*Math.random()-0.75*fieldsize;
    py = 1.5*fieldsize*Math.random()-0.75*fieldsize;
pz = fieldlength-_root.velocity*Math.random(); // start close to the far end of the field

function render() {
    _width  = (fieldlength-pz)*starsize/fieldlength;
    _height = (fieldlength-pz)*starsize/fieldlength;
    _x = 0.5*Stage.width  + px*fieldlength/pz;
    _y = 0.5*Stage.height + py*fieldlength/pz;

public function onEnterFrame() {
  pz -= _root.velocity; 

[COLOR=Red] if ( _root.steering ) {
var ax = 0.0015*_root.velocity*(_root._xmouse-0.5Stage.width) /fieldsize;
var ay = 0.0015
var a,r;[/COLOR]

  // apply yaw      
    r = Math.sqrt(px*px + pz*pz);
    a = Math.atan2(pz,px) + ax;
    px = Math.cos(a)*r;
    pz = Math.sin(a)*r; 

  // apply pitch
    r = Math.sqrt(py*py + pz*pz);
    a = Math.atan2(pz,py) + ay;
    py = Math.cos(a)*r;
    pz = Math.sin(a)*r; 
  var outofbounds = false;
  if (pz<=0.1*fieldlength) outofbounds = true;
  if (_x<0-starsize || _x>Stage.width+starsize) outofbounds = true;
  if (_y<0-starsize || _y>Stage.height+starsize ) outofbounds = true;
  if ( outofbounds ) init(); // replace this star with a new one at maximum range

