Flat Panels

Man I just found out why flat panels suck ***…

There was a mosquito flying around on my screen and I couldn’t smash it because 1. I’d leave a fingerprint on my screen and 2. I’d leave bug juice on my screen. Now there is a mosquito flying around in my dark office and I have no control over it… crap…

Otherwise, I love FPs.


I have a regular monitor, it heats up like crazy in the back, so I’m not sure how to solve that and thats the only problem that I have. I have the same problem with tiny fruit flies, I’m thinking of buying an fly zapper.

Either that, or don’t open the door.


DigitalPimp is a cool screen name, maybe 'cos pimp seems to be my fave word as of late… but either what you say is a fair comment…


*Originally posted by Starpromo *
**DigitalPimp is a cool screen name, maybe 'cos pimp seems to be my fave word as of late… but either what you say is a fair comment…

Star* **

Thanks man! Most ppl wanna try to put it down. They are ‘DigitalPimp? What do you pimp, hardware?’

Actually, it derived from The Matrix. I’ll give a gold star if somebody knows what scene?! Anybody?

The one in the new one where they are getting it on and it goes all matrixy… or did i just make that up?



You just made that up. It is from the first one. You remember when Neo seems the ‘girl in the red dress’ in the sim and later one the little guy is all yea I made her and if you want I can set u up a private session with her later.
Then Trinity says “The Digital Pimp hard at work”.

Aaawww poo poo, i thought i had that one nailed!

flat panels are horrible for gaming purposes mainly because of the fact that they dont display high resolutions and the refresh rates on them suck.

only get a flat panel for casual use like word, browsing, etc.

That is very very wrong. Most games don’t run right @ higher-resolutions and games look fine @ the FP’s native resolution. Also, the refresh rates on FP’s are 1000 times better than on a CRT, that is why when you take video of a Flat Panel or see them in the background on TV you don’t see those lines trailing down the middle of the screen. The thing that hurts flat panels is there response time. They were making FPs with crappy response time @ first to cut costs but now that costs have come down they are making FPs with better response time. Just do some reasearch out there and you can get an excellent monitor.

Heh. you have no idea.

“Most games don’t run right @ higher-resolutions and games look fine @ the FP’s native resolution.”

What are you talking about? The whole point of having a good grahpics card and monitor is so that you can run games at high resolutions… Most FP’s only run at 1024*768 max with a 60mhz refresh.

“Also, the refresh rates on FP’s are 1000 times better than on a CRT, that is why when you take video of a Flat Panel or see them in the background on TV you don’t see those lines trailing down the middle of the screen.”

Yea… Too bad CRT’s run at a refresh of 75-85 usually, while FP’s run at 60.
Lines in the middle of the screen on a CRT? I have a 3 year old CRT running at 1280*1024 at 75mhz refresh and I dont have a single line.

Wow, you can get an excellent flat panel for 1000$? When you can get better quality in a 21 inch CRT for 500?

Originally posted by stftk *
** What are you talking about? The whole point of having a good grahpics card and monitor is so that you can run games at high resolutions… Most FP’s only run at 1024
768 max with a 60mhz refresh.**

**Yea… Too bad CRT’s run at a refresh of 75-85 usually, while FP’s run at 60.
Lines in the middle of the screen on a CRT? I have a 3 year old CRT running at 1280*1024 at 75mhz refresh and I dont have a single line.

Wow, you can get an excellent flat panel for 1000$? When you can get better quality in a 21 inch CRT for 500? **

I have been told and seen that games like CS actually run slower on higher-res’s. I have plenty of graphics power to run my games (Ti4200) but running them at ultra-high res’s don’t really make that big of a difference.

Now as for the lines, I’m talking about when you Film a screen you see the lines. If you don’t know what I’m talking about then go grad a video camera and film like 30 seconds watching a CRT monitor. You’ll see what I’m talking about.

I love my flat panels.
At work I run dual 17’s on a Ti4200 8x AGP
At home I run a 17 also and a 19 Trinitron. I used to have 2 19’s but swapped it for a 17 FP because hauling a 80lb 19in to a LAN was a big pain in da *****.

“I have been told and seen that games like CS actually run slower on higher-res’s.”

Yes, you are correct. Running high resolutions makes the game slower, thats why you need a good graphics card. Higher resolutions however will give you better quality. Its just like any setting.

I am just explaining why CRT’s are much better than FP’s for gaming.

I don’t really really care about having a super-duper incredible spectacular video res. I use a Ti4200 and it works dandy with my FP. :wink: