Hi am used to director but am doing a project in Flash, I have a main movie, into that loads another movie using (loadMovie(“Chapter3/ch3vid.swf”,“mt_mc”) this works fine, (ch3vid.swf") has an FLV vid with controls for stopping etc. This all works fine until i try it on another computer, then the flv will not load. It seems to be a path thing, i cant embed as they are to big.
The content path is (C:\Documents and Settings\Bruce\My Documents\Work Files\Multimedia rt\Main\videos\ch1introbw3.flv). Which is fine from my machine.
Basically i need to find a way to show FLVs from a cd. I have one that works, it loads directly into the main swf with content path (videos/intro1.flv)
FLVs are going into a video folder as there are alot, five chapters plus others.)
When all works the project will be compacted using swf studio by northcode.
Any help would be appreciated.