[FMX] Load Movie

hello everyone.

i created a flash movie with several swf files that
would be loaded in other levels. i was wondering if
it would be possible to “alpha” level0 when a swf file in level1
is loaded and to “un-alpha” it when level1 is unloaded?
i hope u understand what i mean.

thank you for your replies.


official flash noob

A level is like a MovieClip, it has all the properties and handlers, you can do pretty much anything you want with them. :stuck_out_tongue:
[AS]_level0.onEnterFrame = function() {
this._visible = !_level1;
That should do…

Although it would be much better if you set its _visible property to true/false when you load/unload the level instead of the onEnterFrame handler. :slight_smile:

well i really dont know
where i have to pu this peace of code.
my button that loads the swf file contains the
following code:

on (release) {
loadMovieNum(“abot.swf”, 1);


so where do i have to put your code to “alpha” (for example 50%)

and for the button that unloads level1 i have the following code:

on (release) {


how do i undo the “alpha effect” of level0 in here?

thank you for your replies.


official flash noob

[AS]on (release) {
loadMovieNum(“abot.swf”, 1);
_level0._alpha = 50;
on (release) {
_level0._alpha = 100;
I thought you wanted to make it completely invisible, that’s why I used the _visible property. :stuck_out_tongue:

oh man fast as lightning!

thank you very much!
i hope some day i will be able to help.


official flash noob

You’re welcome. :wink:

… And yeah, I hope so too. :stuck_out_tongue: