[FMX] need help with changing scenes

Geez im a noob
neway i cant figure out why my AS isnt working, itd be great if somone could help

here it is

on (release) {gotoAndStop(2);
as you can see its quite simple and should have no problem right,
well this is in fact my actionscript for a button taking you to scene 5, i know it says “(2)”, but for some reason whatever number i put in it goes to the wrong scene, is there a simple error with my AS or is there a trick or somthin,
thanks in advance for your help!!

Scenes stink. Navigating them is problematic.

To ensure success, use frame labels and go to the frame labels


Also, make sure your button is on the main timeline (and not within some other movieclip)

ok thanks il try that

umm total noob q here, showing my true colours i guess…
neway how do u “label keyframes”