[FMX] Problem with RollOver-Button

Hi everybody!

Thanks to a thread in this board I learned how to create a button with a animated rollover.

I have used the information given in this thread to create a rollover, which is made of a movie clip for the rollOver and the same movie clip in reverse mode for the rollOut.

It works quite fine but there is one problem I just can not get solved:

If you move the mouse out of the button area before the rollOver clip is finished, it jumps to the last frame of the first movie clip, but it does not show the rollOut animation.

HERE you find the button i am talking about and a link to the Flash-file.

Any idea?


PS. You will see what I mean when you try to “touch” the button just for a short moment. You will need to refresh your browser to see the correct button again… :frowning:

here ya go :wink:

i removed the reverse animation and used a hitTest
if the mouse is over the mc it plays forward … if not it plays backwards

Hi Kax!

First of all I would like to thank you.

But somehow it seems, as it does not work… :frowning:

If I choose Flash as preview format (file/publish preview/flash), it works fine…

But if I place it on a HTML-page, the rollover animation runs once, and then stops…

HERE is an updated version of my link from above with your changed button at the bottom…

How can this be?

two solutions …

make the movie bigger … leave a margin between the mc and the movie. 40 pixels to the rigth, 40 pixels to the left, 40 pixels to the top and 40 pixels to the bottom

could be more. it’s all about how fast the mouse is moved over the movie

or …

this one seems to be working fine

Thanks Kax!

The last version you have posted works very fine!


no problem man :smirk:

the problem was the stop() action in frame 33 i think … i just changed it to frame 32 :crazy: