Last post for the night

for the people who replied to my last post, it didn’t work:( i’ll just explain what I’m doing, then correct me, lol alright: I make a button, in the first frame (up) I place an image, in the second frame(over) i place an MC; inside the MC I have the animation that plays on mouse over, after the 5 frames of animation in the MC i put a stop, the next frames are reversed for the roll out(in a diff. layer) then in the 3rd frame (down) i place an image. I did the roll out thing on the movie clip but still no go, what am I doing wrong?:frowning:

hmmm no dats not correct.
post the fla plz? so maybe we fiz to you

and wat kind of effect u trying to achieve on rollout?

it’s to big to put on here, I have jpegs i made inside the fla, makes it 210 k

on the roll out i just want it to play the animation backwords

hmm ok let me think of it

the animation is a set of 6 jpegs i made in photoshop by the way

well at least i know it’s not just me, i guess it is a kinda difficult thing to figure out for all

why dont you just use a movie clip as a button, much easier, better control and smoother animations :beam:

just take out the jpgs and post the fla

what if I: made a movie clip, stuck the button in it, duplicated the button then set the movie clip to, on roll out go to frame two and it’ll do the roll out animation, then on roll in, it’ll go to frame one, would that would?

Thanks grim, i’ll try that, thats round about what I was thinking :\ lol

exactly but you dont have to put the button inside the mc you will just need to make up, over and normal states for the movie and specify the action its all its very simple

Is something like dis?

just make sure you make a transparent hit area over the whole area you want the mc to b pressed since it is a mc and not a btn

woo hoo I got it, thanks you all. I’m not completely dumb, been on flash for 4 years, just mainly used it for art, not scripting, plus been tryin’ new **** on here lately, thanks alot Claudio and Grim


great :beam:

i’ll show you all the webpage when I finish it, my aim name is Miscar Redrum, K.I.T

aim?? bah lol

well, this IS my first night, I’d like to thank you all, here is the link for the thing I had a question for: Scarce Reality